Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Neverending Story of Wallin and his lovelorn students

I know I've touched on this before, but the endless interest of my female students is getting mighty weird now. At first it was incredibly wonderful, having never had to deal with lots of attention of this kind before, scratch that ANY attention of this kind, but as such I am ill prepared for everything. I quite early noticed the attention of several of my 6th grade females, but apparently 8th grade feels much the same. In the middle of my teaching, a female student yelled out my name and when I looked up she was holding a sign that read "Erik teacher hansome", with the d carroted in for handsome and several hearts written next to it. After the co-teacher questioned her about it, in Korean, another girl was found to be the ringleader and she was forced to stand at the back of the room holding up the sign for about 10 minutes. During that same class, one of the students asked if I had a girlfriend and after I answered no, she responded by asking if I had a phone. Subtle. Gym class with that grade was the same story (to fulfill my teaching hour quota I'm helping teach a couple of gym classes). I guess the sight of me in t-shirt and shorts really got them going, since when I arrived to class they all wanted to talk to me and a few brave students gave me a high five and then ran back to their little circles where more giggling ensued. They all wanted me to throw the baseball around with them and whenever I made any simple catch or throw I received a thunderous ovation. I'm gonna need to develop a Collin-sized ego quickly otherwise this shit is gonna get uncomfortable. Ohh, we also had fucking churros at lunch today. Yeah, churros in Korea. Crazy shit, but it was wonderful as they were actually well made and nobody in Korea likes sweets like that, so I got all the leftovers that no one wanted. The highlight of the evening was most certainly the kayak trip I took down the Hangang (spelling?). It was absolutely beautiful as it was right around sunset and the sun was setting through the mist behind the mountains. It actually made me forget about the fact that I can't paddle a kayak straight to save my life.

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