Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I Have Hepatitis B...wait, what???

So today was business as usual at school. I did confirm within a shadow of a doubt, that several of my 6th grade girls are apparently in love with me. I catch them staring at me for really long periods of time, they always wanna talk to me, but then they get really bashful and just run away. It's flattering and really weird all at the same time. Frankly, I feel bad for them and their lack of exposure to the world if I'm what keeps them up at night. Today's strange moment came at the medical clinic where I went to get the results of my blood work and various exams from last night. Good news, I don't have HIV, but I did think for a few short moments that I had Hep B. After my liaison talked with the receptionist he explained the best he could that there was a Hep B test and that positive is "OK" and that I tested negative. Well, I started freaking out in my head and started asking what I have to do. My liaison said I just needed a shot. Then I realized that I had failed a test for the Hep B vaccine, so I have to get vaccinated sometime next week. Wow, what a load of my shoulders.

1 comment:

Maria said...

Did they test for the H!?