Saturday, September 12, 2009

Friday August 7: Absolutely Nothing Part 2 (Notice a common theme?)

Hell, after the drama of the previous night, I needed a day or two to recover myself To bask in the my victory (or wallow in my own shame, depending on how you look at it) after the excitement the night before. Good thing the rest of the group obliged me there. We were too disappointed from the beach yesterday that we didn't even bother leaving our resort area. I made the most of what was available. I was finally able to check my email after about a week to find it overflowing with 6 or 7 new emails, most of which were from my parents. What's it like being so god damn popular, Eric? Well, its a lot of work, but I manage. I manage. After several hours of going through emails and responding (okay, 20 minutes later), I moved over to the pool for some swimming and some capoeira poolside. The group was impressed with my ability to do a bridge (yeah, tough crowd to please) and my ability to hold a handstand for more than 10 seconds (take that Sundaram!!!). After lunch I caught some sun (and I clearly mean I entered the sun for a matter of seconds while passing from my cottage to the restaurant and was severely burned as a result....gotta love that hearty Northern European complexion) and read some more. I'm pretty sure I blew through Murakami's "Wind Up Bird Chronicle", which is 600 something pages long, in 3 or 4 days, I was reading that much. That's about it for the day.

Of course, as one might imagine, this was the point in the vacation where I started to get antsy and wanted to do something, rather than just sit and relax. Unfortunately, I was a bit tied down at the moment. Jamie, having found Brits and much more accessible booze, was content to settle down here for the remainder of the trip. He had even stopped whining, well at least about being bored. He was still moaning about those damn mosquito bites. Plus, there was very little to do outside of plopping yourself along the beach at our resort area. So I stayed, for the time being.....

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