Friday, January 2, 2009

Just an update...sorry

Hey all. Just thought I'd throw out a quick update of how everything is going on vacation. Got back from several days in Seoul yesterday and Korea has been up to ridiculous and sometimes adorable self, as per usual. We will be heading to Busan today as soon as we get our shit together and start moving. Should be in Busan and Jeju until next Saturday, so I don't expect to be able to keep in great touch with everyone while we're there. Sorry for that and for the fact that this isn't really up to my usual standards of excellence in journalism, but I don't have too much time. Suffice it to say that when I finally do get time to post about the vacation, it will be ungodly long. Pictures, pictures and more pictures are coming soon, as Alyse has taken pictures of all most everything and I've been pretty lazy thus far and will probably just steal her pics that I like. Until next time.

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