Monday, November 17, 2008

Hooker Hill (Where Boys become Men, one would assume)

Well, it's been a couple of days since I posted last. Apologies for those that care, but there was absolutely nothing that was worth reporting last week. School commenced per usual. Saturday offered a change of pace as I was slotted to begin my weekend class and then planned to head to Seoul to drink off my frustrations. The composition class actually went better than expected. The kids wrote more sentences with much better grammar than I would have expected. Course, as per usual, I had difficulties with my coteacher. I don't know what it is, but I must give off some vibe that tells the coteachers they can just disappear and go wank in the bathroom for 45 min or so...fuck, I don't have any idea where the lady went. This was a different co-teacher, but with the same result. When she was in the room she sat at the back and said nothing while I tried to explain the ideas behind introduction, body and conclusion. This shit was way over most of the kids heads, but all she did was point out to me that most of the students arent doing anything because they don't understand what I was talking about. No fucking shit, Sherlock. When she said that, I really just wanted to clock this lady in the teeth and then stand over her while she deals with her injuries and yell at her to do her god damn job. What was worse was that she just left for one of the 3 45 minute sessions. The kids were just as frustrating at times. When I asked them to brainstorm and then write about the given question, which was purposely easy for them, they just sat there braindead. The question was "Who is your favorite singer and why?". After several minutes of seeing blank papers with not a word on it, I asked some of the students, "Who is your favorite singer?". Their response: "I don't know" or even better "Uhhh...uhhh...pass." WHAT??????? I was ready to pull my hair out at one point, but thankfully there was Chicago. Chicago is the regularly used name for a particular 8th grader who lived in the US for 4 years (from 5th grade to 8th grade). Guess where he lived? His English is absolutely amazing given his peers' levels. Honestly, this kid speaks much better English than my co-teacher. I was absolutely blown away when he entered the room and I handed him the sheet to work with and he responded immediately with "What do you want me to do with this?" in beautiful English. I also about fell over when he threw out the word synonym in the proper situation. His parents just moved him to the US when he was younger and had absolutely no English abiiity, but was thrown into US schools. Poor kid was telling me how he didn't wanna come back to Korea for school. Even they realize that the school system blows nuts here.

Thankfully, that "experience" ended and I was free to jump the train to Seoul and actually enjoy my weekend. I met up with Jethro and we headed to Itaewon for Mexican food (FUCK YEAH!!!!) at one of the many foreign restaurants there. I'm really sick of the lack of variety of food here in Korea. If you don't want Korean food, your "choices", if you can even call them that, consist of pizza, fried chicken (think KFC), or shitty burgers at Lotteria. I was absolutely dying for an enchilada, and even though it was pretty small portions and kinda pricey, it was heaven sent. After dinner it was off to Hongdae to hit up the bars with the rest of the Madison crew. Sorry guys, but no Korean women encounters this time. We spent the majority of our time trying to find HO Bar 3 (there are about 6 or 7 HO Bars), cuz I guess its a happening place, but in the end we had to settle for Luxury HO Bar, which was really slow. Drinking did commence regardless, and over the course of an entire bottle of Jim Beam for the 4 of us, I was subjected to an intense grilling session on the nature of my relationship to this "female friend" that is coming to visit over winter break. Uggg, just what I wanted to talk about: me and my personal issues. Although I was shocked to find out that they assumed I wasn't a virgin. They said it was because of the ease and frequency in which I talk about sex and porn. Where I come from, that's a screaming alarm as to who isn't getting any (see Rounds, Collin, basically everyone in our group). I just assumed that if you were getting any, you wouldn't spend all your time talking about handlebars (Jason, you dirty bastard), stonewalling, angry dragons, Cleveland steamers and everything in between. Man, I fucking miss those conversations. Ohh, I guess they also thought I wasn't a virgin because I wanted to walk up Hooker Hill in Itaewon (and did). Sure enough, there were the Asian hookers poking their faces out of their doorways to entice (well, try) me. They didn't break out any of the classic "Sucky, Sucky, 5 dollars" and such lines. Their English was too good. Although I did laugh when one of the ladies of the night starting slapping on her thigh like you do when you call a dog or pet to try and entice me. It didn't work, but the similarities between dogs and their customers are pretty shocking. I can't say that Korea isn't trying to get me laid. It's just failing, like the United States before it. I certainly applaud the effort though. It's really sweet.


Brian Miguel Busha said...

1) I question very strongly on how hard America was trying to get you laid. You've gone from people showing interest to whores slapping their legs at you and families trying to hook you up with their daughters. A slight shift, you might say.

2) I'm not sure Collin could agree, but China also had a shitty variety of food for the most part. Beijing is better than most, but still, not locally.

3) I typed this question up like 5 times, still too angry to phrase it right. Basically, just keep going out and I hope some lady just rapes the shit out of your face and you fall in love. That's the only kind of story I want to hear from you, and I still have hope!

the_awesomeness said...

1) Agreed, America could give two fucks about you. Also, Korea hasn't failed've failed Korea.

2) Also agreed. Fortunately China is huge and thus their is a variety in the sense that you can find food from different regions, but if Mexican is what you are looking for good luck.

3) Don't just focus on women either, because clearly that isn't working. I imagine the men there have a lot of the features Rounds has; short, black hair, lots of pent up aggression. You could also fall for a really nice Samsung LCD and none of us would be too weirded out by it.