Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Shit Storm is a coming

Yeah, the last few days have kinda sucked and I know I haven't updated in a while, but I think I'm gonna hold off on a big detailed post until I know more than absolutely nothing about what is going on with my job and apt and life in Korea.

In a nutshell: After being told that I would be changing schools 2 weeks ago, I heard nothing. Absolutely nothing regarding where my new school was or if I was moving for sure. I began to assume that they had decided to keep me here at the current school. Then on Friday, at 5pm, on the absolute last possible day at the old school, before the new contract and new school/job would take place, they send me an email (not even a call or something at least semi-professional) simply saying I am moving to X school come Tuesday and that my current school will call me as to what is going on. That's it. 4 lines. No directions or anything to my school. I searched on google maps for the school and it is in a lousy location in the northeast corner of Seoul making it a ass long distance from capoeira and Korean class. Naturally, I would have to move out of my sweet apt. Im not even sure if my new school or the old one has any idea as to these developments. It's now sunday evening and I have received nothing from either school or the district office.

So to feel like I was doing anything at all, Jamie and I went looking for my school today. Here is the video documentation of the trip. Enjoy.

In case you didn't pick up on it in the videos....I'm not super thrilled about the whole move thing or the new area. It's okay, but clearly not as nice as the present area. The school looked nice though.

I promise lots of bureaucratic nonsense next time.

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