Monday, March 16, 2009

"It's a small world after all, it's a small world..."

Well, another week has passed and I find myself at my piece of shit PC yet again to recount the trivial happenings of my life. Not too much going on, but I figured now was a good time, as it's been a week and I have some free time on my hands (ahahahh...that was a joke. I have nothing but time on my hands....ohhhhhh, now I made myself sad), so I figured I'd plunk myself down and type away. Plus, I know my readers are waiting with bated breath for word, any word, of my exploits, and I just couldn't stand to keep them waiting.

The weekend was solid, but hardly noteworthy, so bear with me. It started rather nicely, as I took home 50,000 won (don't get too excited...that's like 50 cents now. Obviously, I'm joking, but damn it feels like that some times) on Friday night from poker. I should make a note of it to never play poker unless my opponents are avid consumers of alcohol and I'm stone cold sober. It's the only explanation for how I won. Saturday started as usual with capoeira followed by the Korean class. I'm finally starting to feel like I'm back into the swing of things with capoeira, I just wish we would have a fucking roda at some point...What good is a back hand spring if you can't fucking jenga. The Korean class was surprisingly solid as I made the jump from Level 1 to Level 2 to hopefully learn more and find a challenge. I felt bad (yes, I did Amy!) leaving the rest of the group behind in Level 1, as I didn't wanna make them feel stupid, considering we've been here the exact same amount of time, but apparently I made them feel stupider when I was actually in the class and knew stuff that they didn't. We even learned some of the nuances of the language. Like how it's important to use the proper numbering system. If I want to say "one year" I need to make sure to use "il nyeon" instead "han nyeon". Cuz, I'm pretty sure that my contracts stipulates that I stay in Korea for "one year", and not "one bitch". As intriguing as the latter may be, I'll gladly take the former, as I'm thinking "one bitch" would take a lot longer for me then "one year", since its me, and I wanna go home at some point.

Saturday evening found the group following Carrie to a party she had been invited to by the people she bought her bike from. We were incredibly skeptical, as Carrie had only known these Koreans for however long it took to order her bike and they were inviting her to a party at the shop the following weekend with an request to "bring friends. all.". The environs were as shady as we assumed, given its Seoul. The bike shop was nestled in the basement of an apartment building off of some really divey back alley. Surprisingly, no one got raped or groped (well, except for me, but that was a joke...I think). The party had it's own DJ, all you can drink booze for 5,000 won (which if 50,000 is 50 cents, then we only paid 5 cents...awesome), and many pretty cool Koreans. I only make special note of the cool Koreans, as we spend so much time around boring and bland Koreans that we sometimes forget that people such as those at the party even exist. We were even pleasantly surprised to find several foreigners there too, which was startling, given that there were only 40 or so people there and for close to 10 of them to be foreigners is pretty startling. Here is where things got interesting, as one of the foreigners saw my Omulu batizado t-shirt (I dress to impress when I'm in Seoul, there's no other way to say it), and just started breaking into song. Thunderstruck, I asked him how he knew about capoeira. He responded by saying that he used to train in the States. Curious, I asked who he trained with. His response: Mestre Preguica in San Fran. Fuck. Me. Running. I showed him the shirt and both had a good laugh over the ridiculousness of it all. We also talked about how capoeira sucks over here comparatively, which is why he doesn't train while he is here. For those of you that live in the same hemisphere as Carlos or Jamie, could you perchance ask them if they remember "Don Quixote" who trained from 2002 to 2005 in San Fran. If they met him, they would have remembered him. His demeanor and personality borders on the absurd, so much so that I can only compare him to Dobish. Though the two are nothing alike, perhaps polar opposites in fact, the utter amusement and shock I got out of every word that left his lips, could only be likened to my reaction when listening to Dobish speak. As like Dobish, "Don Quixote" is an acquired taste and some simply just can't stand him or can only stand him for so long. Things got less comfortable when he approached me at one point and asked if he could fondle me. He explained that Anna (bless your heart, Anna) apparently would only consent to letting Don Quixote's friend fondle her if I was to be fondled by Don Quixote. Now, I appreciate all the help you give me in trying to find someone for me when we are out and about in Seoul Anna, but I'm not that desperate. Just saying. I consented as I knew that Anna would enjoy the other guy less than I would (hey, fuck you, don't read into that...the other guy was just that much weirder). Although, come to think of it, Anna never did get fondled, which means that I got played....ohhhhhh, I feel so dirty. Course that wasn't my only encounter with dudes that day. Earlier on the subway, I was approached by a young college aged Korean guy who was saddened that he didn't have any foreigner friends and wanted to know if I would be his friend. This was shocking to me, as no one, and I mean no one ever talks to me randomly on the street. I'm just that intimidating and hardcore that no one ever wants to fuck with me. We chatted about Kobe Bryant and Eminem for a while before he suggested that we be language exchange buddies. I said I'd be his friend, so I hope he doesn't get mad when I don't call him, even though I never got his number. Man, I just seem to pull 'em, dudes that is. Although I think he just wanted to be hetero life mates. Nothing gay or anything.

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