Saturday, October 4, 2008

Babysitting, in a sense

Well, another interesting and fun-filled day is yet again behind me and we come to the point where I reminisce. Today started a little later than yesterday, as nothing happened till noon, which meant I could sleep in and recover from the hard partying the previous night....ohh, who the fuck am I kidding? I wake up at 7am naturally after a full night's sleep and have absolutely no social life. Anyways, Mr. Jeong picked me up again today, this time for his children's school field day. Now, I had no idea what the hell to expect from this "field day" other than a gathering of small children in, presumably, a field, during the day, one would think. Sure enough, I wasn't too far off. Basically it's a monstrous picnic as the parents sit in the shade and chat/eat/drink with the other parents while the kids run around/run amok/yell/scream/play games. Of course, someone had the bright idea of equipping each kid with a pair of the inflatable "Thunder Sticks" you get at sports games. My god, the chaos. I got a mighty handful of stares as I was the only whitey in a group of a hundred to two hundred or so. Plus, Jeong Una and Jeong Jaehan, the PE teachers kids, were taking me around to show off. After a delicious lunch of kimbap and fruit, it was off to catch grasshoppers and crickets as apparently Koreans actually cook these bad boys. Saw a fair share of the buggers having sex and decided it would be far too cruel to send them to their doom right there and then. I'm sure they only have a life span of a couple days or so, and I figured I'd let them live it up for their fading lives. Now, after the field day was over I was planning to hop the bus to Seongnam to catch a soccer game that evening, but Mr. Jeong decided that if I helped him pick sweet potatoes he would drive me there and back. I agreed as I didn't really have a preference either way. So after a couple of hours in the field, we were trucking it to Seongnam in order to catch the game. Despite our haste, we still got there 10 minutes late. Thankfully, nothing happened until the second half when Seongnam subbed in their Brazilian, I'm assuming. 20 minutes after the sub, and Seongnam are going home 3-1 winners thanks to the efforts of DuDu, I shit you not (sorry unintentional pun, honestly). Now, I appreciate all the help and assistance that everyone has offered since I've been here, but at some point they need to take the god damn kid gloves off. I mean, I'm perfectly able to get to Seongnam and back on my own. Unless of course this is just the gym teachers way of ditching out on watching his kids. If so, kudos good sire. I've never been one to graciously accept help or even ask for it at all, so all this babysitting is starting to annoy the fuck out of me, as evident by the frequency of 4 letter words littering these last couple of sentences. I'm a loner at heart, sorry, that's just who I am. It's not gonna change. I like doing stuff for myself and get a great deal out of satisfaction out of getting things done that way. I feel like an infant at times and it's really starting to irk me. At some point you gotta take off the diapers and let me shit for myself. Otherwise, I'll be 40 and still needing someone to wipe my ass for me.

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