Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Leaving on a Jetplane

Hello all. I figured I should set up this blog before I leave since I have no idea when I'll actually be able to access the interwebs once I get over "there". The time of my departure is quickly approaching, the bags are all packed, and all that remains is that I get into the car. I leave Oshkosh around 1pm today after lunch with my brother in order to arrive in Chicago at my hotel so as to make the TTG dinner and workshop on how to be less terrible teachers. After the priceless instruction, we are afforded the remainder of the evening to "mingle" and "socialize" with the fellow teachers. Hahahah, its like they know me already. My flight leaves at 1pm Thursday and I should arrive into Seoul at 4:50pm on Friday (time in Seoul). The relative time here will be somewhere in the wee morning hours of Friday. Hopefully, the representatives will immediately take the teachers to their respective apartments to relax and sleep, but I fear there will be hours of handshaking, bowing and "anyonghasaos". I'll talk to you again once I'm settled.
